Jason’s Chapter One Reading Log

Chapter one of the classroom research textbook is stocked full of information. The chapter offers a brief history of research done in the classroom, some methodological insights and perspectives, and numerous detailed definition. It is a very diverse chapter including everything from feminist critiques of positivism, to issues of the academic disconnect with the “real […]

Jason’s “How People Learn” Reading Log

After reading the introduction, conclusion, and my two assigned chapters from How People learn, I feel that I have in fact learned a lot.  Some of the themes from the reading we have already discussed in class, for example, that students bring with them a world view and existing knowledge into the classroom.  The introduction […]

Jason’s Class Reflection 2/23/10

I really enjoyed our last class session.   The Believer doubter game helped me to focus my research question for the semester, and most likely for my dissertation.  I came to the conclusion that although my ideal research question would be at a much larger scope, realistically I need to narrow it down.   I also got […]

Jason Bishop: Making the Most of College

Okay.  So I printed this out and took it to class with me instead of posting on the blog (mistake one), then I forgot to hand it in in class (mistake two)!  So here is my one page summary of the book that I presented last night. Richard J. Lights highlights the importance of involving […]

Teaching as Research (Jason)

Ever since we discussed teaching as a research process (design, deliver, gather results, analyze results, etc.)  I can’t help but see the classroom in this way.  Today was my first real exam day for my morning classes and I felt like I was handing out my data collection tool, not a test.  I designed the […]

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