Whiteboard from Week 2

Posting made easier

Hi all, Fantastic reflections on this week and the readings we’ll discuss tomorrow. I look forward to what will likely be a terrific discussion. As we build up a body of content on the blog, scrolling down to the bottom to login and post is getting to be more of a hassle. So, I’ve decreased […]

Schon on epistomology

In our discussion last night, we touched on Donald Schon’s distinction between problems that can be addressed through “scientific” inquiry and problems that are sufficient complex and situated that they require a different epistemology that acknowledges that knowledge can be drawn from and embedded within professional practice. In an excellent article on learning communities, K. […]


Welcome to CTCH 604: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. This site will be used for course discussion and collaboration in the Spring 2010 section taught by Darren Cambridge. The design of this course builds on the excellent work of past instructors, including John O’Connor and Vicki Salmon.

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