Aracelie_Reading Log_30 Mar
There are so many options available for implementing SoTL. It still boggles me that it is not more widespread. I understand the many challenges that we read about in our articles and talk about in our class sessions, but I still have a difficult time comprehending how it is taking so long to catch on […]
Aracelie_Reflecting on Reflections_23 Mar
In our 16 Mar class, Darren gave us handouts containing general guidelines for writing reflection papers. Although we have been doing these writings for the entire course, this was our first exposure [in this class] to examples of what a reflection might look like to be most beneficial for our practice. Our task for this […]
Aracelie_Reflection_23 Feb
Our latest class continued with the Believer/Doubter exercise. The other members of the class had the opportunity to present their questions to the group. As with many things, we discovered there are two sides to every coin. For every positive we came up with, we were able to see the same point as a negative. […]
Aracelie_Reflection_2 Mar
Elluminate! It’s like Harry Potter, only not. When I walked into the classroom, I remembered being glad we did not attempt to use it for class when it snowed. Those were a lot of scary and confusing icons on the screen. However, after watching Darren go through the sound checks, it did not seem as […]
Aracelie_Reading Log_16 Mar
The good of the group…the benefit of several outweighs the benefit of one…take one for the team. These are common phrases we hear in life emphasizing that an action that benefits the majority is usually a good thing. However, what happens when that action is part of SoTL and you are the teacher that must […]