Aracelie_Reading Log_30 Mar
There are so many options available for implementing SoTL. It still boggles me that it is not more widespread. I understand the many challenges that we read about in our articles and talk about in our class sessions, but I still have a difficult time comprehending how it is taking so long to catch on […]
Carrie Ann’s Reading Log (Week of March 28th)
Though I did read both chapters assigned, I want to focus this reading log on the Steadman text, due to issues I have seen with students that have crossed my path during my educational career. When teaching a class you wonder if all the information that you impart reaches and is understood by all the […]
Teddy’s Reading Log 03.28.2010
Teddy’s CTCH604 Reading Log 03.28.2010 For class session 03.30.2010 McKinney’s chapter 8 discusses and explains examples of SoTL work from the perspectives of researchers in both disciplinary and institutional contexts. Various conceptualizations and definitions of SoTL exist among scholars. As I read the chapter, I began to ask certain questions. What similarities and differences will […]
Useful advice from a fellow graduate student about sharing your interests
Amusing article in the Chronicle, particularly for folks like me who did graduate work in the humanities. What do you think the buzzwords for higher education students would be?
Teddy’s Reflection Log 03.16.2010
Teddy’s Reflection Log 03.25.2010 For CTCH 604 class session 03.16.2010 Last week’s class was just superb! It was an honor to have guest speaker Barbara Cambridge with us. She gave us insights into many of the issues pertaining to scholarship, teaching and learning. Dr. Cambridge asked each of us to explain our position concerning the […]