Schon on epistomology
In our discussion last night, we touched on Donald Schon’s distinction between problems that can be addressed through “scientific” inquiry and problems that are sufficient complex and situated that they require a different epistemology that acknowledges that knowledge can be drawn from and embedded within professional practice. In an excellent article on learning communities, K. […]
Jason’s Class Reflection 1/26
First off, I was very interested in the idea of the scholarly article vs. the teaching portfolio as a way for the SoTL to “go public”. Before class I would have sided strongly with teaching portfolio’s. But after seeing the influence that “traditional” articles had on the definition of SoTL over time, I come to […]
Teddy’s Reading Log 01.25.10
Teddy’s Reading Log 01.25.2010 Scholars around the world would probably agree that there is a need for a standard definition of scholarship of teaching and learning. With so many people trying to define the scholarship of teaching, I am not surprised that we are confused concerning this topic. Someone once said to me, “we […]
1/24/10 How do we measure “Hard Data”
Hey Everyone, The first idea that I found very interesting was from the “course anatomy” article. As the title foreshadows, the article describes each part of a course as its anatomy. I thought this was a great analogy! Making sure that a course’s readings, activities, discussions, assignments, etc. all fit together is vital. I also […]
Carrie Ann’s Reading Log 1/24
As I began reading the assigned texts and articles for the class I was surprised at how many definitions there were of what the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning truly is. It was consistent in that each author or scholar agreed that the definition is divided into three parts, but they were named slightly different […]